Dr Angela Burnett

Lead Doctor and Responsible Officer

Freedom from Torture (FFT)

Angela Burnett is lead doctor and Responsible Officer at Freedom from Torture (FFT), where she has worked since 1995. Several years ago she initiated peer support groups and mentoring for FFT doctors documenting evidence of torture, which continue to run. She writes extensively on the health of refugees and survivors of torture, including a series in the BMJ and a resource pack for health workers on caring for refugees and asylum seekers. In collaboration with Yohannes Fassil she has completed guidance, commissioned by MIND, for NHS commissioners on commissioning mental health services for vulnerable migrants. She also delivers training, has mentored refugee doctors and has assisted in developing health services throughout the UK for refugees and torture survivors.

Previously she worked as a GP at the Greenhouse Practice in Hackney, East London, caring for homeless people, refugees, and other vulnerable populations. Previously she worked in Zambia with people affected by HIV/AIDS and researched collaboration between traditional healers and formal health workers. She has evaluated education programmes for Macedonian doctors, worked with Oxfam in Ethiopia with people affected by drought and famine and delivered training for doctors and peritos working with survivors of violence and torture in Brazil.